Monday, April 4, 2011

Miche Party and Crop - Sat. April 16th

On Saturday, April 16th, I will be having a Miche Purse Party with a crop immediately to follow.  I am not a purse person, but these are the most awesome purses! 

The crop is open to the first 12 people to register, but the purse party is open to all.  Bring a friend and enjoy the shopping experience.  You will be able to take your purchase with you that day.  The consultant will give a 20 minute demonstration and then you can shop 'til your hearts content.  I have added a link to the Miche website so you'll know what your in for:  These bags are incredible!

I can't wait to see you.  Please contact me to RSVP: 815-786-5290 or send me a comment below.


  1. Jenny Lindgren will be there for the party and Jessica Erlandson will be there for both. Boo hoo Jenny has to work. Jessica is croppin'!

  2. I'll be there too. So we are scrapping too?
