Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

I just have to share my VD story with all of you. My DH got 5 tickets to go to Monster Jam, so we took Dillon and two of his friends. We drove from DeKalb all the way to the All State Arena (former Rosemont Horizon) with three 8yr old boys.

Well let's just say an hour and a half drive in a car with three boys talking about bugers and brains feels like 5 hours. The show was great until my DH decided that we were all thirsty and took the boys to get drinks. Sounds good, right? Problem started when he let the boys pick out thier drinks. He came back with three MTN DEWS! Was he freak'n crazy! What was he thinking?!?

So of course they didn't drink most of it there, they drank about 80% of it in the car while we were trying to get out of the parking lot! Now we have 3 boys not only hyper because they were together, saw crazy drivers, listened to loud engines and haven't really ran for the last 3.5 hours. But now they have 16oz. of pure sugar and caffeine in thier systems. And let's not forget, THEY ALL HAVE TO PEE!!! No gas station on the highway for 20 miles.

By the time we got to the bathroom, the boys are about to cry because they have to go so bad. And DH has yelled at them to be quiet because they have resorted to laughing loud and screaming in the car. After the pee break they are not aloud to talk the rest of the way home.

DH did finally let them talk after about 20 min of them sitting in the back of the van trying not to laugh at each other. But we only had about 10 more min until we were home to drop them off.

After all the kids are dropped off, the conversation goes like this:

Dillon, "Mom, I didn't know there was orange Mtn. Dew."
Me, "Yes, there is."
Dillon, "I never get Mtn. Dew."
Me, "That's because it is loaded with sugar and caffiene so I won't let you have it."
DH, "I didn't even think about that."

At that point I wanted to smack DH upside the head and say, "DUH!"

Later on DH did take me to Tapalaluna's resteraunt where we spent a nice time, just the two of us, and lots of food.

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