Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Voted, Did You!

Grab you coffee and have a laugh! Picture a Seinfeld episode with me being played by Kramer.

I went and voted today…and felt like a complete dork! Or at least that’s how they made me feel. It was my first time voting in the primary and they were asking all these questions in front of everyone. And if I didn’t answer the way they wanted, I got strange looks. First, “What party are you?” Ok, I know who I don’t want to be president, can’t you just give me a ballot and I can vote who I want to run against each other. And what is this Green Party? I don’t remember anything about “Green” from my Middle School days long, long ago. I think they should have a video playing for you when you walk in the door on “How to vote in the primaries.” This would make things so much easier for us non-political people. I swear, I think they thought I was from another planet when I said I don’t watch TV and don’t have time to read a newspaper. The most I know about the US right now is that the economy sucks and Britney Spears is in the hospital. I’m to busy reading college books and trying to write a stupid paper about my “Star Profile”…whatever. I’m a sad, sad individual.

Boy did I come home and give my family an ear full. This is why I never voted until I was 32 and guilted into it by my husband!

Oh and lets not forget the “I voted” sticker. First a lady gave me one to put on my son and then when I didn’t take one for myself, boy did I get “the look.” (You could tell she was a mother in her younger years.) And when I finally got my ballot, voted and walked out of the booth, there was another guy trying to force another sticker on me. What is up with the sticker? I thought he was going to wrestle me to the ground and stick it to my forehead or chase me down the street. Save the money on the dumb stickers and put it back into our economy! Can we say “unnecessary spending.”

I can just picture Kramer running down the street and some old guy chasing him with a sticker.

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMBO!!!!!! Yes, you should NEVER forget your sticker! I'm proud of you for voting.
