Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Upcoming Crops

I just want to clarify with everyone, that I will still be having crops.  I'll just be doing them more for fun and not as a necessity.  I will post the dates and times on my blog, rather than 
The changes are that I will not be supplying food, please bring a dish to pass and all future crops are free.
Once I post the dates on my blog, I will send out an email.  The first 12 people to contact me will reserve their spots.  I will post who is coming on my blog so that you will know how many seats are still available.
I hope to see you soon.


  1. I am in, I hope. I had problems signing on at work and haven't been checking personal email or Facebook. Just no time. Anyway, sign me up for Jan & Feb. Do we have themes? And where is the Aledo info that Nancy was talking about?
