Saturday, January 22, 2011

Valentine Be Mine

Today was a great day with friends, scrapbooking and card making.  Below are a few cards I completed today for Valentine's Day or just love.  I colored these little dragons last summer and finally used them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saturday Crop Update - Must Read

We just received some bad news today, Dillon tested positive for the Flu.  We don't know when it actually started, Sunday night or Monday.  I'm on the fence if I should cancel the crop on Saturday or not, so this is what I'm proposing.  Dillon is not allowed down stairs and we're working on breaking his slight fever.  I will still be cropping and you are more than welcome to join me, at your own risk.  If you choose to cancel, I will completely understand.

Please let me know what you choose to do so we can make arrangements for food.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 22nd Crop is now full

I am so excited!  The January 22nd crop is now full.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

The menu theme is Mexican / Taco bar.  Please let me know what you will bring so I can update the list.  To see what other people are bringing, click on the "Upcoming Events-Attendees" tab at the top of my blog.  I will update the info as I receive it.

Below is a list of items we need:

Taco Meat - Jenny L.
Taco Shells
Nacho Chips - Cheryl
Nacho Cheese - Trisha M.
Shredded Cheese - Cheryl
Shredded Lettuce - Jessica
Sour Creme - Lissette
Chopped Tomatoes - Jessica
And side items:)

Please remember, everyone is to bring their beverage of choice.  (Hint - if you bring cans, you can leave them for your next crop)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Saturday, January 22nd Crop

I only have room for one more person.  If you contacted, please check the tab at the top of the page "Upcoming Event - Attendees" to make sure you have been added.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

We're Cropping!

My next crops will be Saturday, January 22nd, and Saturday, February 19th, 9am to 4pm.

Please contact me if you would like to join me, I only have room for 12 people.  This is a free event with a dish to pass and bring your own beverage.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Upcoming Crops

I just want to clarify with everyone, that I will still be having crops.  I'll just be doing them more for fun and not as a necessity.  I will post the dates and times on my blog, rather than 
The changes are that I will not be supplying food, please bring a dish to pass and all future crops are free.
Once I post the dates on my blog, I will send out an email.  The first 12 people to contact me will reserve their spots.  I will post who is coming on my blog so that you will know how many seats are still available.
I hope to see you soon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Geocaching for Embellishments

We went Geocaching yesterday for the first time as a family and had a great time.  So this morning I had the idea that I want to run by all of you.

How about a Scrap-n-Stamp Cache?  What I would do is set a bunch of Geocaches with embellishments inside.  First you'll have to find the Geocache (which will be uploaded on  When found, you will take an embellishment and put in an embellishement.  Take your new embellishment home and make a card, craft or scrapbook page.  Then take a picture of your project and post it on under that Cache.

This will give a new twist on Geocaching and our favorite hobbies.

Please give me your thoughts.