We new Jake's days were numbered, especially when he was diagnosed with Diabetes and Cushings Disease back in January of 2006. Last night, his body decided that it couldn't take anymore and just started shutting down.
We took him to the vet this morning and after a blood work up, we discovered that he was having problems with his liver and kidneys. The doctor also said that he has lived a long time for a dog with so many other problems.
I was truly blessed to have Jake in my life for as long as I had. He was there for many ups and downs. He had moved with me five times and only stayed with my mom in her home when we couldn't handle him in Keith's townhouse. He loved going for walks, even when we knew he shouldn't go. He had problems with his legs and it was difficult for him to walk a long way. His last wa
He was a funny dog that would work hard to get what he wanted, even if it caused him much pain. I remember, just the other day, he tried to get up on the counter to get a piece of meat as soon as I turned my back on it. He looked so funny, and pathetic. He got his two front paws up on the counter, which he knows better not to do but probably figured it would be his last attempt in life to get a steak. Once he got his front paws on the counter, his back legs just wouldn't push him up to actually get the steak. He was really struggling, but determined. I was able to shew him away and nothing happened to the food. Of cou
Well now I believe he is in heaven with my Grandmother, pestering her to either scratch his but or steal her Kleenex. But I'll tell you, with her around he'll stay out of trouble.
The first three photos are of Jake in our old backyard in Carpentersville in 2004. The next three photos are of him in our backyard this past May. The last one is of the three dogs in 2006 when we first moved in our houses.
He will be very sadly missed.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog passing. I know it's hard thing to do. We had to have ours put to sleep right before we moved. Memories though are the best.
Oh - I'm SO sorry!!!!! I know I am REALLY late getting to this but hope things are a little better now.