Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sharing Inspiration

I love this blog that I subscribed to, it's called "A Matter of Memories."  She puts out a monthly inspiration sheet that you can download and use all month long.  Check it out!

Just hit this button:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Miche Party and Crop - Sat. April 16th

On Saturday, April 16th, I will be having a Miche Purse Party with a crop immediately to follow.  I am not a purse person, but these are the most awesome purses! 

The crop is open to the first 12 people to register, but the purse party is open to all.  Bring a friend and enjoy the shopping experience.  You will be able to take your purchase with you that day.  The consultant will give a 20 minute demonstration and then you can shop 'til your hearts content.  I have added a link to the Miche website so you'll know what your in for:  These bags are incredible!

I can't wait to see you.  Please contact me to RSVP: 815-786-5290 or send me a comment below.