Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh What Fun We Had

The Aledo scrapbook retreat was a blast! I felt like I was in my younger college years again. We laughed, stayed up late and won lots of prizes. We also crafted this crazy idea to go out and do a scavenger hunt at midnight. It was a last minute thing and it was so funny. As soon as I get some pictures from the scavenger hunt, I'll post them.

Here is a picture of the group of us that made the trek down to Aledo. Top: Me, Left to Right: Tricia, Lynn, Emily, Jamey, Jenny, Cheryl and Carol.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Budding Artist

Well creativity truely runs in the family. Dillon came home yesterday with a certificate of achievement award. The school chose his artwork to be in the All District Art Show at the local high school. It will be on display all next week and they will be holding a reception at 5 on Thursday, so you know where I will be. We are so proud of him!!!

He loves to draw and has a wonderful imagination. If I had the ambition, I could probably wall paper the whole house with all his artwork.

What's really funny is what he said when I got all emotional. "I don't know why they chose mine, we all had to make a painting. It's no big deal." WELL IT IS TO MOMMY!!!

Check back next week, I'll take a picture of it and post it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

48 Hours 40 Mins. Away

We will be leaving in a couple of days for our crop and I still have so much to do. And I still have not started my RAK's or my Challenges. Oh my!!! To top it all off, I still have a paper to right and I'm totally stumped. Friday can't come soon enough!!!

Well check back after Sunday to see pictures from our retreat. And have a great weekend:)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Less than One Week

This time next week, we will be scrapbooking the night away in Aledo, IL. Are you ready? If not, you're not alone. All I have gotten done is my 5 cards for my 5 tickets. I have ideas for the challenges in my head, it's just getting them put together that is the real challenge.

I have actually made packing for the retreat a reward. I have a bunch of writing that I need to get done before we leave, so I'm disciplining myself to get my papers written before I can pack.

Well, back to my writing. Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, April 14, 2008

April 25th can't come soon enough!

If you haven't checked out what is coming up for the Aledo Retreat, you need to check out the retreat website: Check back regularly for any updates.

Happy packing!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 4th Midnight Crop

I really enjoyed having everyone in my home. We had two new faces, Catherine and Tammy, and I look forward to seeing them again. I also want to wish Catherine good luck and my prayers with her delivery right around the corner. We also got to catch up with some people we haven't seen for awhile and hope it won't be another couple months before we see them again. And then we had our loving regulars that I love seeing everytime. We had so much fun and I can't wait until I see everyone again. We completed a new record in pages...drum roll please...89 pages! Yeah!

As you can see by the picture, we packed the room.